My Passport

Great White North: Montreal 2017
Mt Srd, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Photos by Laura Elizabeth.
Hi! My name is Laura, and I'm just your average, everyday, hard working, non photogenic, non-selfie taking 30 something, who loves to travel...Actually, I live to travel. I work hard and spend my money wisely so I can see the world. It helps give me a better appreciation of America and my home.
I'm not a huge fan of writing, especially about myself, and I'm definitely no Jack Kerouac or J.K. Rowling, so I must apologize in advance. So with that being said, you're probably wondering why the hell would I start a blog right?? Well to be totally honest, after much convincing (or nagging as I'll call it) by my other half and friendly encouragement from some close friends, I caved and here we are. And, although this is my travel blog, you might see posts and pictures of my family and animals in addition to some posts and pictures from some of the local day trips we take. We make it a point to do something fun and explore our own area as much as possible when we have free time.
Hope you enjoy my blog and feel free to ask questions or make recommendations :) If you want to contact or follow me, there are links for Twitter and Instagram at the bottom of this page.
Some of the places I have been fortunate enough to visit. If you are a visual person like myself this map might come in handy to see where some of these places are in relation to your location.